Media Faculty

Creativity, critical thinking and social responsibility - that's the Media Faculty!

Information published by the Internship Office

The following information describes which training objectives are pursued and which training content is to be taught during the internship semester. Students of the corresponding degree program can use this information as a guideline for selecting a suitable internship. Companies can also use this information to obtain an overview of the desired content and activities during the internship semester.

To confirm the internship semester, an internship contract must be submitted to the internship company. This contract is a recommendation in which all necessary elements are taken into account. For internships abroad, an English version of the general internship contract of the Hochschule Offenburg is also available.

Students are required to write a practicum report upon completion of the internship. This report is to be uploaded to MI Practix. If the report is not approved for publication by the company, the report must be posted in the mailbox of Prof. Dr. Frank Habann (Head of Internship Office) by the deadline. A note must be included indicating that the report is blocked for publication. The report will then be archived.

As an aid, appropriate instructions for writing the report as well as an exemplary report will be provided for download.