Media Faculty

Creativity, critical thinking and social responsibility - that's the Media Faculty!


grafik.werkstatt (graphic workshop)

Head of the grafik.werkstatt

Prof. Ralf Lankau

Laboratory Assistant

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Benjamin Braun
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Tanja Kabelitz

Website of the laboratory



18 Macintosh workstations with two screens,  5 of these additionally equipped for video editing and DVD production, 1 lecturer's workstation with two screens, 2 Windows 2000 weokstations, 2 Mac OS X servers, 1 Windows 2000 Advanced server, extensive collection of peripherals for acquisition, editing and output of multimedia assets (scanners, cameras, audio recording equipment, printer, projectors etc.) 


Macromedia Studio MX and Director 8.5; Adobe Photoshop 7, InDesign 2, Illustrator 10 and Acrobat 5; Maxon Cinema 4D, Apple Final Cut Pro 3 and DVD Studio Pro 3 as well as lot of other professional media software

