Media Faculty

The Media Faculty building concentrates the entire faculty with lecture halls, laboratories and studios, all equipped with the latest technology, and offices.


grafik.werkstatt (graphic workshop)

Head of the grafik.werkstatt

Prof. Ralf Lankau

Laboratory Assistant

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Benjamin Braun
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Tanja Kabelitz

Website of the laboratory



18 Macintosh workstations with two screens,  5 of these additionally equipped for video editing and DVD production, 1 lecturer's workstation with two screens, 2 Windows 2000 weokstations, 2 Mac OS X servers, 1 Windows 2000 Advanced server, extensive collection of peripherals for acquisition, editing and output of multimedia assets (scanners, cameras, audio recording equipment, printer, projectors etc.) 


Macromedia Studio MX and Director 8.5; Adobe Photoshop 7, InDesign 2, Illustrator 10 and Acrobat 5; Maxon Cinema 4D, Apple Final Cut Pro 3 and DVD Studio Pro 3 as well as lot of other professional media software

