Media Faculty

The Media Faculty building concentrates the entire faculty with lecture halls, laboratories and studios, all equipped with the latest technology, and offices.

Reports and addresses on internships

You can find a list of companies and internship reports in the intranet MI-Complete (Practix-Praxissemesterdatenbank).

Current job listings for internships you can find in the foyer of the D-building.

The library provides books with a collections of adresses of companies in the media sector. You can find a list with the book titles here: <link http: bibliothek i_adr.html _blank>Collections of addresses of companies in the media sector

The university library provides possibilities for online research of addresses: <link http: uportal _blank>Company addresses via online search of the university library

Online address list of the communication sector in southwest Germany: <link http: adressen.php _blank>Addresslist 'Kompetent für Kommunikation'

Internship database of the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg: <link https: praxisdb praxisdb_suche.php>Practix - internship database of the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg


  •  STAMM Leitfaden durch Presse und Werbung 2011: Presse- und Medienhandbuch. Essen : Stamm, 2011. ISBN 978-3-87773-047-8. Im Lesesaal unter AP 12510 003 (2011).
  •  Das Jahrbuch der interaktiven Medien. München : HighText Verl. Graf und Treplin, 2008. ISSN 1615-9438. Im Lesesaal unter AP 10100 002 (2008).$DirectLink&sp=S127.0.0.1:23022&sp=SAKSWB-IdNr28813589X
  •  Scholz-Film-Fernseh-ABC. Medienadressbuch mit Foto-Almanach. Hamburg : Scholz-Film-Fernseh-ABC-Fachverl., 2011. ISBN 978-3941653-07-8. Im Lesesaal unter AP 12510 001 (2011).