Media Faculty

The Media Faculty building concentrates the entire faculty with lecture halls, laboratories and studios, all equipped with the latest technology, and offices.

Student Parliament Elected

For the first time since 1977, students at Offenburg University have elected a student parliament. The parliament constitutes part of the Ver­fass­te Stu­die­ren­den­schaft (student government) that is being re-established in Ba­den-Würt­tem­berg.

On May 16, students at Offenburg University elected a student parliament for the first time since 1977.  In a ballot vote in late March they approved a statute for the reintroduction of a student government  (97.25% approval, with a voter turnout of 14.1 %), which had been abandoned in Ba­den-Würt­tem­berg in 1977 and is now being re-established  through an amendment to the State University Law. On May 16, students elected nine representatives for the student parliament, which constitutes the legislative body of the student government.  From now on, the student parliament will elect and control the executive body of the student government at the University, AStA.

15.7% voter turnout

15.7% of eligible voters came to the polls.  One of them was Na­ta­lie Be­cker, a first-semester "star­tING" student. "I think it’s good that we’re getting an organ which represents us to the outside world," the 18-year-old said. Julia Mi­gen­da, AStA Chair at Offenburg University, agreed: "If we’re getting the chance to establish a student parliament, we should take it."


The nine student representatives elected to the student parliament are:

1. Julia Mi­gen­da (Mas­ter Me­dia and Communication, 2nd se­mes­ter) 
2. Jo­han­nes Käs­sin­ger (Me­di­a and Information Engineering and Design, 7th se­mes­ter) 
3. Daisy Geb­hardt (Medical Engineering, 6th se­mes­ter) 
4. Mi­cha­el Heinl (Corporate and IT Security, 4th se­mes­ter) 
5. Lea Treick (Process Engineering, 4th se­mes­ter) 
6. Lisa Flick (Me­di­a Technology and Economics plus, 2nd se­mes­ter) 
7. Ben­ja­min Münch (Mechanical Engineering, 3rd se­mes­ter) 
8. Jakob Gott­fried (Mechanical Engineering, 6th se­mes­ter) 
9. Jörg Will­bur­ger (Mas­ter Business Administration, 2nd se­mes­ter)